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Christmas Tree Delivery

Tree Delivery Information:

  1. Please come into the store to select your perfect tree and schedule delivery. PS: Don’t forget to measure your ceiling height and width of the space before selecting a tree!

  2. clear your walkway and door way of any furniture or debris; measure doorway to make sure the tree will fit

  3. PLEASE KNOW ahead of time where you want your tree; make sure that area is accessible and furniture has been cleared

  4. Have a towel or blanket and/or plastic where the tree is going

  5. Once in place, our delivery team will rotate the tree to your liking, and cut small branches if necessary 

  6. Don’t forget to WATER THE BOWL if you have a green tree (flocked trees do not need water)

  7. Generally we will give you a morning or afternoon time slot. We will give you a call when you are next in line for delivery, but if you need a better idea on timing, don’t hesitate to call the store the morning of your delivery. CHRISTMAS is the busiest time of the year! Please allow for some extra time :)​

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