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Houseplants are a beautiful addition to any home and add life and color to your space. Furthermore, plants in your home convert carbon dioxide into new oxygen and help purify the air... which in turn, makes you happier and healthier! Choosing the right houseplant starts with determining the conditions in your home. Light and temperature are key components in determining what plants will work for your space. See the step by step guide below to help you chose the correct plant for you!

Step 1: Determine the light

Here's a neat way to judge the amount of light you have in the area.

guide on how to determine type of light (i.e. high light, medium light, or low light)

Step 2: How much room do you have?

Even though you might buy a small plant it may not stay small forever. Take into consideration the space you have and what size plant it can actually hold. 

Step 3: Plant selection

When selecting plants it is also important to do your research on whether or not your plant is pet/human safe. Here are some links from the ASPCA which list the toxic and non-toxic plants to animals and a link to toxic plants for humans. Not all plants may be listed so it is important to find out the name of your plant and do your own research to ensure your children/pets safety.

Low Light 

Medium Light 

High Light 

Step 4: Taking care of your plant

  • We recommend keeping the plant in it's original nursery pot and setting it in your decorative pot.

  • When choosing a pot, make sure it is not more than two inches larger than the original pot the plant came in. This ensures that you do not over-pot your plant which can lead to over-watering issues.

  • To water your plant, remove it from the decorative pot and thoroughly drench the plant until water is draining from the bottom of the pot. We recommend that you bring your plant outside to do this, but its also okay to water it in your sink or bath tub!

  • Once the water has drained you can set the plant back in its pot.

  • It is important to note that if you have a saucer under your plant and water collects that you empty the saucer to prevent the plant from sitting in the water and rotting. 

  • REMEMBER: Different plants have different water requirements, please ask us or research your plant to find out what it needs.

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